ACTION C.6: Expansion of the Mediterranean native trout range

The purpose of the action is to promote the dispersion of the native Mediterranean trout in the project areas. The goal will be achieved through artificial reproduction and repopulation of suitable areas with embryonated eggs. This is to avoid domestication and ensure the genetic variability of native populations.

C6.1 Eradication of non-native trout that will occur in the minor tributaries as indicated by the plan in the preparatory action A5

C6.2 Artificial reproduction of wild reproducers, through a preliminary selection activity of the reproducers, followed by artificial fertilization conducted on the basis of appropriate fertilization schemes. The sperm available will be ensured by the cryopreservation referred to in the previous action C5

C6.3 Egg incubation, in which the fertilized eggs will be kept in vertical incubators for 7-14 days before the scheduled hatching date

C6.4 Repopulation with embryonated eggs, in the sites identified by the action A5, through the construction of semi-artificial nests directly in the riverbed.