

Autumn Samples – Rio Santa Maria 10 Nov

Autumn Samples – Rio Santa Maria

In recent weeks we have carried out monitoring in the Biferno basin in Santa Maria del Molise (Rio Santa Maria), where we had placed artificial nests last spring. Here are some of the individuals from whom tissue samples were taken for DNA analysis. The numerous parr spots (narrow and elongated), typical of Mediterranean trout, bode…

Trout from Volturno 2020 30 Oct

Trout from Volturno 2020

Here are the trout from Volturno, the result of spring sowing and a lot of commitment and passion on the part of the project staff!

Work in progress in Rocchetta a Volturno. 30 Oct

Work in progress in Rocchetta a Volturno.

The adaptation works in the hatchery of Rocchetta a Volturno proceed incessantly. In addition to the finalization of the hatchery, before the next breeding season there will also be an educational center with a multipurpose room, for conferences and face-to-face meetings that we hope to be able to organize as soon as we are in…

Acquatrekking always and anyway? No thanks! 20 Aug

Acquatrekking always and anyway? No thanks!

We were inspired by a reflection by Alex Vigliani, an expert environmental hiking guide, to ask ourselves whether or not to practice this “sport” that is becoming popular in our territories. For those few who do not yet know it, it is a matter of practicing the walk not only on land, but in the…

Summer trout ascent in the Biferno 27 Jul

Summer trout ascent in the Biferno

Slow motion emotion: in the tributary streams of the Biferno we managed to film some specimens in ascent! In fact, with the summer storms, the instinct of the ascent pushes the trout to explore the upper quadrants of the rivers and streams in which, in the winter months, they will reproduce.

The  parr spots 21 Jul

The  parr spots

In the sampled specimens, in addition to genetic analyzes, morphological ones concerning 7 phenotypic classifications are also carried out, including the analysis and comparison of the so-called “parr spots”. It is a matter of observing 9-13 large ellipsoidal blue-grayish spots present along the median region of each side, sometimes divided or fragmented and / or…

The first fry of the 2020 season 15 Jun

The first fry of the 2020 season

The photo is not that great, but it is the first documented native Mediterranean trout fry, born in an artificial nest of the Rio Santa Maria, the result of fertilization with cryopreserved seed. The success of the sowing activities can only be assessed by monitoring the next few years, but in the meantime numerous fry…

Volturno trouts 03 Jun

Volturno trouts

One of our cages for the control of the breeding was positioned in the Rio Caprionero, because it is from there that the trout from the Volturno river go back to go to reproduce. In fact, the main course of the river, although it has a good substrate for reproduction, is vulnerable due to the…

Work starts again in Oratino 26 May

Work starts again in Oratino

After more than two months of lockdown in which Italy had to stop due to the pandemic from Covid19, we finally start again with all due caution. Work is underway in Oratino to make the hatchery accessible to all, in the hope of reopening our facilities to visitors as soon as possible.

Rio Freddo trout (Biferno river basin) 14 May

Rio Freddo trout (Biferno river basin)

The photo shows us a genetically pure individual of about 50 cm caught just downstream of the entrance of the Rio Freddo in the main course of the Biferno. In the samplings of this winter and early spring we observed that a part of the spawners in the Biferno River go up the Rio Freddo,…