

Molise Region 18 Jun

Molise Region

The Department of Agriculture of the Molise Region is the administrative structure for the development of agricultural, environmental and forestry policies. Del Bianco Nicolina is in charge of the “Protection and enhancement of forest heritage” department, which deals with environmental issues and activities aimed at protecting natural specific local resources and forest nurseries. In fact,…

Mediterranean Trout Research Group 18 Jun

Mediterranean Trout Research Group

Born from the passion for the environment and for aquatic animals, this research group combines professionals in the field of veterinary medicine, ichthyology, biology and natural sciences. The fusion of different specializations allows the group to be at the forefront in research in aquaculture, ichthyology, aquatic ecology, biotechnology and the dissemination of environmental sciences. The…

Legambiente 18 Jun


Legambiente is the most widespread environmental association in Italy and is recognized as such by the Ministry of the Environment, for the protection of the territory and the sea. Founded in 1980, today it includes more than 1,000 local groups and 20 regional committees, over 110,000 members and supporters, around 30,000 classes involved in environmental…

Municipality of Rocchetta a Volturno 18 Jun

Municipality of Rocchetta a Volturno

The municipality of Rocchetta a Volturno is located at 540 m asl in the province of Isernia in Molise and has a population of 1,077 inhabitants with an area of ​​2,402 hectares. The inhabitants are called “Rocchettani” and are distributed over three large residential areas: Rocchetta a Volturno, Rocchetta Alta and Castelnuovo. The city is…

Municipality of Oratino 18 Jun

Municipality of Oratino

Oratino è un comune della provincia di Campobasso nella regione italiana del Molise, situato a circa 7 chilometri a ovest di Campobasso. Attualmente ha una popolazione di circa 1.700 abitanti e si estende in un’area di 18 km quadrati. Caratteristico centro vicino al capoluogo, Oratino domina per lungo tratto la media valle del fiume Biferno.

LIFE Nature and Biodiversity European Program: UniMol with the Agriculture, Environment and Food Department, leader and promoter of the LIFE Nat.Sal.Mo project 04 Jun

LIFE Nature and Biodiversity European Program: UniMol with the Agriculture, Environment and Food Department, leader and promoter of the LIFE Nat.Sal.Mo project

The first meeting of the Nat.Sal.Mo project – Recovery of Salmo macrostigma: Application of innovative techniques and participatory governance tools in rivers of Molise , funded under the European LIFE+ program was held. The University of Molise – with the Agriculture, Environment and Food Department – as well as being the promoter and leader of…

The project Nat.Sal.Mo presented in the Molise Region 28 May

The project Nat.Sal.Mo presented in the Molise Region

THE PROJECT LIFE NatSalMo, a European project for the recovery of native trout in the Molise river basins, was presented today, May 28th at the Molise Region’s Department of Agricultural Policies and Environmental Protection. Nicola Cavaliere (Regional Councilor for Agricultural and Agri-food Policies, Rural Development, Forestry Planning, Hunting and Fishing, Productive Fishing, Environmental Protection, Soil…