
Studiogiuliano srl 18 Jun

Studiogiuliano srl

Studiogiuliano srl is a company that has been operating for over 15 years in the field of consultancy and services in agricultural, environmental and engineering matters and as a consultant for EU funding programs. The working group is composed of agronomists, environmental engineers, European and Italian funds experts, European and Italian planning experts, and is oriented towards sustainable development through innovation processes. Studiogiuliano’s experiences also concern the preparation of international cooperation projects to obtain European incentives in collaboration with universities, NGOs and European and non-European governmental organizations.

For 10 years he has carried out EU projects on behalf of international companies in the fields of environmental impact reduction and waste recycling, agricultural development projects, in particular for international companies investing in Italy. Studiogiuliano currently acts as a consulting company in two LIFE projects, Gy.Eco and Life Is.Eco, in the field of preparation and accounting and is currently collaborating with several Italian, European and African universities as a technical consultant and financial expert at every stage of the projects .

Studiogiuliano – selected for EU co-financing – is one of the participants in the IUCLAND (International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries) project, an international high-level training program funded by the Erasmus + program involving twelve partners from Europe, Central Asia and China.
