With the conference held this morning at the University by Prof. Nicolaia Iaffaldano, who illustrated in detail the objectives, action and results obtained so far by LIFE NatSalMo, the transferability actions of our project in Romania were concluded. As always happens when there is genuine exchange, we have given a lot, but at the same…
Transferability actions – May 11, 2022
This morning the transferability actions in Romanian territory started and the appointment was at the Balea stream, in one of the most important Danube catchment areas in Romania. During the morning, NatSalmo’s technical-scientific team illustrated the procedures and methodologies developed by our project in Molise waters to the partnership present, represented by the Universities of…
Natsalmo presented in Unimol at the international conference for doctoral students
Prof. Nicolaia Iaffaldano this morning presented our Natsalmo project at the international conference for doctoral students organized by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Food in Unimol. The International PhD student conference. Research and Innovation in Agricultural, Livestock and Food Sciences represents an opportunity for exchange and comparison between young researchers in the field of…
Transferability actions in Romania
Natsalmo’s technical-scientific team has finally arrived in Sibiu, Romania, where in these days it will be involved in the E2 transferability actions envisaged by the project together with the Romanian partnership consisting of two universities, the “Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu” and the ” Ion Ionescu of the Brad University of Iași ”. These activities,…
NatSalMo on Telemolise
We sincerely thank the local broadcaster Telemolise for having dedicated an entire episode of “Il Molisano” to our wonderful project and to Prof. Nicolaia Iaffaldano for having told it as only she can do!
NatSalmo environmental education
How nice it is to get back to doing activities on the river all together! Our Environmental Education team last April 29 was busy at the Sorgenti del Volturno with 43 children of the three middle classes of the Istituto Comprensivo Don Giulio Testa, Sesto Campano school. A beautiful morning spent first illustrating the structures…
LIFE NatSalMo: the protagonists
Competence, commitment and passion: these are the main characteristics of Natsalmo’s technical-scientific team!
The oldest parks in Italy turn 100 years old
Also our NatSalMo project was yesterday in Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Gran Paradiso National Park and the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise!
Networking with LIFE Streams project at Pollino
Two truly exciting days of networking those just spent with LIFE Streams at Pollino. Natsalmo’s technical-scientific team, in presence and remotely, promptly illustrated all the innovative techniques that are their own, triggering a real and productive confrontation, with many ideas for future work.
Balance of the third NatSalmo Open forum
In the third meeting yesterday attended by representatives of the municipalities of the two basins, of the Region, of citizens’ and environmentalist associations. Those present carried out an initial identification of the strategic objectives, highlighting valuable elements (to be protected and enhanced), potentialities and negative aspects, to be eliminated to ensure an increase in the…