
Transferability actions in Romania 10 May

Transferability actions in Romania

Natsalmo’s technical-scientific team has finally arrived in Sibiu, Romania, where in these days it will be involved in the E2 transferability actions envisaged by the project together with the Romanian partnership consisting of two universities, the “Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu” and the ” Ion Ionescu of the Brad University of Iași ”.

These activities, scheduled for April / May 2020, have long been postponed due to the Covid19 pandemic.
Furthermore, with the Russian-Ukrainian war in progress, the places of intervention and therefore also the species on which we will work have necessarily changed: no longer on Hucho hucho but on Salmo trutta fario of the Danubian genetic line.

The extensive program includes both field activities – such as the capture of reproducers, the collection of the semen and the simulation of cocooning – and laboratory activities, with genetic analyzes and semen cryopreservation practices.

On Thursday 12 May, Prof. Nicolaia Iaffaldano will hold a seminar at the University, in which the innovative techniques of our project will be amply illustrated.