

Wonders on the Biferno river 03 Oct

Wonders on the Biferno river

How do the children of the Biferno breeders become if they are raised in a high-altitude Matese stream, with cold and difficult winters interspersed with summers characterized by a water crisis? Only red point and intense zebra stripes. They almost resemble the trout that inhabit the sides of the Volturno, although they are only distant…

NatSalMo Contest 28 Sep

NatSalMo Contest

Our Environmental Education Team offers all primary and middle school teachers in Molise and their students an educational path to discover the biodiversity of the Molise area, rich in plant endemisms and protected and rare animal species such as the Mediterranean trout and the Otter. Teachers and students will thus have the opportunity to participate…

Monitoring on the Biferno 12 Sep

Monitoring on the Biferno

After a short summer break, our quantitative monitoring and genetic analyzes in the Biferno river basin start again, this year a little earlier than usual, to allow us to have the results before March, the month in which the NatSalMo project will reach its end. term. Soon, therefore, we will have the results in terms…

Fry in San Nazzaro river 23 Jul

Fry in San Nazzaro river

Today Stefano Esposito (MTRG), together with some representatives of Fipsas Isernia, carried out a monitoring action on part of the sites affected by the NatSalMo sowing this winter. In particular, the group went to the San Nazzaro river, a direct tributary of the Volturno. In the monitored sites there are essentially two sizes of fry,…

The fourth NatSalMo Open Forum 27 Jun

The fourth NatSalMo Open Forum

The path towards the signing of the Biferno and Alto Volturno River Contracts enters a crucial phase. In fact, in the fourth NatSalMo Open Forum the participants will proceed to the concerted identification of the specific objectives that will guide the future management of the two river basins. In addition, the lines of action that…

Trout, they know it – A dry season announced 03 Jun

Trout, they know it – A dry season announced

What happened in the Volturno and in the Biferno in the last winter season 2021/2022 necessarily leads us to think that there is a sixth sense, a perception by trout – as well as by other animals – regarding seasonality and meteorology. In detail: Molise trout – which normally migrate for reproductive purposes in the…

NatSalMo at Clean Up the World 01 Jun

NatSalMo at Clean Up the World

Legambiente, partner of our project, on 28 May organized the annual event “Clean Up the World” at the free beach of Campomarino (CB) together with 75 students from the sixth grade of the Istituto Omnicomprensivo Via Cuoco. Before starting the cleaning of the beach, the students were also presented with our project, which resulted in…

NatsalMo Educational at Le Mortine naturalistic Oasis 29 May

NatsalMo Educational at Le Mortine naturalistic Oasis

Yesterday morning 53 students from the primary school of Venafro, led by Giusi and Valeria, visited the naturalistic oasis Le Mortine. As always, there has been talk of biodiversity, the protection of habitats and the safeguarding of river species at risk of extinction. Special guest: the dog Samira!

Happy birthday LIFE programme! 26 May

Happy birthday LIFE programme!

Today, 21 May 2022, the LIFE programme turns 30. In all this time it has supported projects for environmental protection, nature conservation and actions against climate change throughout Europe, opening the way towards a more sustainable future. Our LIFE Natsalmo project would not exist without this important financial instrument of the European Union. Today Natura…

New appointments of the NatsalMo educational path 17 May

New appointments of the NatsalMo educational path

Between 13 and 14 May, more than 250 elementary and middle school students were involved in the NatsalMo educational path, to discover the river biodiversity of Biferno and Volturno. Last Friday we first went to the Sorgenti del Volturno with the pupils of the IV elementary school of the Istituto Comprensivo Don Giulio Testa, Sesto…