
Biferno Focus Group – Evaluation of the socio-economic impact 14 Oct

Biferno Focus Group – Evaluation of the socio-economic impact

Last 12 October at the Albergo Diffuso “La Piana dei Mulini” in Colle d’Anchise (CB), the first of the two Focus Groups dedicated to the evaluation of the socio-economic impact of our project on the territory of the two reference river basins (action D2).

The meeting provided for the active participation of the main categories of stakeholders present in the 9 municipalities of the Biferno basin most involved in the activities of NatsalMo (San Polo Matese, Bojano, Colle d’Anchise, Spinete, Busso, Baranello, Casalciprano, Castropignano and Oratino ), to evaluate together how the very positive results of the project can promote a wider territorial regeneration strategy, centered precisely on the river resource.

This first meeting, strongly felt and attended by as many as 22 actors, involved – in addition to some project partners such as MTRG, fishermen’s associations and Legambiente – also the agricultural companies and related trade organizations (CIA and Coldiretti) of the territory , as well as various agro-food processing companies (dairies and pasta factories), tourist operators and businesses operating on the river, some associations involved in the social sector, as well as intermediate bodies for the promotion and activation of local development, such as the Molise Verso GAL 2000 and the EEIG (EUrelations).

The debate, introduced by Prof. Iaffaldano (Department AAA, University of Molise – Project manager) and facilitated by prof. Belliggiano (Department AAA, University of Molise – scientific director of action D2), starting from the shared identification of the main economic resources of the territory, tried to combine them with the environmental practices promoted by the project, in an exercise of shared reflection that brought out – in addition to the inevitable presence of conflicts of interest, which the initiative itself has begun to compose – also the existence of business models and entrepreneurial ideas capable of tracing new paths for the shared development of the area.

Next meeting with the Volturno area: Monday 17 October 2022.