Agri_For_Food 2021, the scientific orientation and study initiative conceived by Unimol for the promotion of degree courses in “green sciences”, ended yesterday with the awarding of innovative ideas in the agri-food and forestry sectors, Now in its third edition, on 12 May it also hosted our project, objectives, activities, and the results of which were…
Males guarding reproduction bed at the sources of the Biferno
At the sources of the Biferno, among the tufts of aquatic plants, the trout dig their own beds of scrub, bringing to light the white gravel. The individuals seen in the video are mostly males manning the breeding site and fighting for the best position while waiting for the female. The female is present and…
Searching for male breeding specimens
Sometimes we go in search of reproducers through the electro-fishing. This happens, for example, in the side courses of the Volturno where it is not possible to anchor fixed capture stations due to the high risk of floods. During these activities we go both in search of marked specimens and specimens to tag, in order…
The Lorda stream in Castelpizzuto
Between the end of February and the beginning of March, the eradication of alien trout and subsequent sowing of 8,000 eggs and newly hatched larvae of native Mediterranean trout took place in the upper section of the Lorda stream near the Municipality of Castelpizzuto. The Municipality of Castelpizzuto has decided to actively support our project,…
Fertilization by doses of frozen semen
The material stored in our cryobank is always available and ready for use. It allows us to always have the semen of dozens of genotyped native males available to fertilize the eggs of the females captured in the fixed stations. In the video we are in one of the side stations of the Volturno and…
Biferno – sowing 2021
At the beginning of March we began to sow the Biferno eggs incubated in the Oratino hatchery. The first 15 nests were built on the Rio Freddo, at the sources of the Biferno di Pietre Cadute and at the sources of the Rio Santa Maria. Inside them we sowed the first 10,000 embryonated eggs. In…
Rocchetta: Work in progress
Despite the pandemic and the entry of Molise into the red zone, the works to adapt the facilities of the Rocchetta a Volturno plant continue in maximum safety. In the pre-existing external tanks, partitions are being built to allow a rational use of the structures, especially with an eye to the future, when these places…
Trout “eyed” egg observed under a digital microscope
At the Rocchetta a Volturno hatchery, during the EASME monitoring visit on 11 and 12 February, we observed through a digital microscope an egg that we had fertilized in early January with the cryopreserved seed. When fertilization is successful, at a certain point of the incubation those two black points appear, which correspond to the…
The cryobank on
The press release on the first European cryobank of Mediterranean trout seed created by Unimol thanks to LIFE NatSalMo had considerable success, not only in the traditional press (see the press review), but also in local and national news. At the link, one for all, the Tg di, a national press:
The cryobank and the protocol for cryopreservation of native Mediterranean trout semen: an excellence of the NatSalMo project
The cryobank of the semen proved to be an effective strategy to protect the biodiversity of some fish species and the cryopreservation protocol, originally developed for farmed salmonids, was tested for the first time on the sperm of wild native trout that populate the Molise rivers by the scientific project staff. Thus was born, in…