
Semen cryopreservation 26 Feb

Semen cryopreservation

One of the great innovations of our project is the creation of the first cryobank of the Mediterranean trout seed, a precious tool for the conservation and protection of the species.

In January 2020, the project staff set up a mobile laboratory at the Rocchetta hatchery in Volturno to freeze the seminal material taken from indigenous subjects after having previously characterized it both qualitatively and quantitatively.
After discarding ejaculates contaminated with feces and blood in order not to risk compromising the quality of the frozen semen, investigations such as volume measurement, sperm concentration are carried out; using Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis – CASA motility is assessed (how many spermatozoa move and how) and sperm vitality.

Therefore, after carrying out an accurate qualitative-quantitative analysis of the seminal material, only then can cryopreservation be carried out. The semen is frozen according to the method developed by the staff of scientific researchers of our project led by Prof. Iaffaldano of UniMol.