
River contracts: over 25 subscriptions 23 Feb

River contracts: over 25 subscriptions

A success of attendance and subscriptions today at the EX Gil in Campobasso, where the President of the Molise Region Donato Toma, the Rector of the University of Molise Luca Brunese, the National President of Legambiente Stefano Ciafani, Giuseppe Dodaro of the CIRF Board of Directors, the Prof. Nicolaia Iaffaldano of the AAA UniMol Department and Massimo Pillarella and Mauro Di Muzio of the Molise Region welcomed the representatives of the municipal administrations and the stakeholders who have adhered to the River Contract relating to their basin to which they belong, for the official signing of the document programmatic.

The objectives are numerous and ambitious, ranging from the protection and improvement of the conservation status of ecosystems and species to the rationalization of withdrawals in compliance with ecological runoff, from the increase in water quality to the integration between strategies for mitigating hydraulic risk and hydrogeological and ecological quality protection, from the creation of new opportunities for environmental education and sustainable use of river areas to the rediscovery and enhancement of the cultural heritage and traditions linked to the river, up to the development of quality agriculture and management methods of rural territories with low environmental impact and the dissemination of knowledge and culture of the river.

The specific objectives of the River Contracts concern and involve the whole community of the territory because – in addition to the technical objectives linked to the ecological state of the two rivers, the conservation habitat or to the quality of water – include activities relating to the development of quality agricultural techniques with low environmental impact; the creation of new opportunities for environmental education and use of river areas; the rediscovery of the local cultural heritage, the dissemination of knowledge and culture of the river. During today’s meeting, the River Contracts were signed by numerous realities (listed below) but the process has just begun and membership remains open for all those who have not been able to participate in this start-up phase.

First signatories:

Regione MoliseRegione Molise
Università degli Studi del MoliseUniversità degli Studi del Molise
Soprintendenza MoliseSoprintendenza Molise
Ordine Geologi del MoliseOrdine Geologi del Molise
Comune di LuparaComune di Montaquila
Cooperativa Just MoCooperativa Just Mo
WWF MoliseWWF Molise
Confederazione Agricoltori del Molise (CIA)Confederazione Agricoltori del Molise (CIA)
AIPIN Campania e MoliseAIPIN Campania e Molise
GAL Molise – Verso il 2000FIPSAS Isernia                          
Consorzio di Bonifica LarineseComune di Venafro
Comune di CivitacampomaranoComune di Isernia
Comune di LucitoComune di Castelpizzuto
Comune di RipalimosaniComune di Monteroduni
Comune di FossaltoComune di Pesche
Comune di Oratino 
Comune di Boiano