
NatSalMo project – Learning visit – day #1 13 Feb

NatSalMo project – Learning visit – day #1

February 13th, 2020, first day of the Meeting and Nicolaia Iaffaldano, project manager, immediately illustrates the transferability actions of the NatSalMo project to the Romanian colleagues who have come here from the universities of ULBS and UAIASI.

The work is now proceeding quickly and dr. Gibertoni with dr. Esposito reveal interesting details that have emerged in recent months, such as the notable difference in morphology between the populations of S. macrostigma living in Volturno, with less polluted waters and larger trout – and those of Biferno, with larger trout inferior.
After a lunch based on typical products, in the afternoon we all went to Volturno: here is Rio Caprionero, in the stretch to be made accessible for trout ascent

and in the portion of water where a cage has been placed for controlled access to the breeding sites.
It continues with an overview from above of a natural reproduction site,

to finally reach Rocchetta a Volturno, near the springs of the homonymous river, where an ex-Enel building in abandonment is being redeveloped

and it already houses a hatchery in full reproduction.

Beautiful and intense day. See you tomorrow for a visit to Oratino and the Zooculture laboratory.