Today on the Rio Caprionero some students from the Unimol Agricultural Sciences Aquaculture course joined us for a field exercise. Other Mediterranean trout individuals were sampled thanks also to the invaluable help of Cristian Caruso, always very helpful and capable.
NatSalMo activities restart for the 2023/2024 season
This morning on San Nazzaro the NatSalMo activities for the capture of Mediterranean trout broodstock restarted for the collection of the semen that will implement the doses of the cryobank.
Naples – XII National Table of River Contracts
Antonio Nicoletti, National Manager of Protected Areas and Biodiversity of Legambiente, presented our project at the XII National Table of River Contracts, held between yesterday and today in Naples.
IUCN – Red List updated
The update of the IUCN Red List presented last Monday at COP28 in Dubai contains the first complete assessment of the world’s freshwater fish species: to date ๐ผ๐น๐ฐ๐ฒ ๐๐ถ ๐๐ฟ๐ผ๐๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฟ๐ถ๐๐ฐ๐ต๐ถ๐ผ ๐ฑ๐ถ ๐ฒ๐๐๐ถ๐ป๐๐ถ๐ผ๐ป ๐ฒ.
On the Volturno River – November 2023
In our project the support of the fishermen was of fundamental importance, their help invaluable. Even today they are our “eye” on the rivers: thanks to Michele Castaldi (FIPSAS Isernia) and Giovanni Peluso (Associazione Amici del Volturno) for these beautiful photos “live” from the Volturno.
NatSalMo on the national Rai3
This morning, at around 10.25am, an excellent report edited by Cristina Petrucci on the technical innovations of our project was broadcast on SpazioLibero, on the national Rai3. Filmed last March, on the occasion of the final event, the report illustrates the fundamental actions of LIFE NatsalMo through interviews with the protagonists: Nicolaia Iaffaldano, Unimol, Project…
NatSalMo participates in the Regional Assembly of the National River Contracts Table
The Regional Assembly of the National Table of River Contracts has just concluded in Campobasso, convened to take stock of the current situation in Molise and to set out the future objectives of sustainable local development. Speaking for NatSalMo were Nicolaia Iaffaldano, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Food – Unimol, Andrea De Marco, President of…
The seminar on the management of freshwater fish fauna organized in Ceraso attracted a large audience of enthusiasts, sector experts and interested citizens. We are grateful to Regione Campania and Fipsas Salerno for inviting us and to Pierpaolo Gibertoni for his detailed presentation of our project.
Seminar on the management of freshwater fish fauna (Ceraso – SA)
The dissemination of the innovative techniques and excellent results obtained from our project continues on Friday 29 September with the seminar on the management of freshwater fish fauna organized in Ceraso (SA), at the Cilento National Park.
NatSalMo at the XVII European Congress of Ichthyology
Today in Prague the report on the NatSalMo cryobank was welcomed with great interest by all the participants in the XVII European Congress of Ichthyology. Furthermore, the European Commission complimented Nicolaia Iaffaldano for the high degree of technical innovation and the concrete possibilities of replicability in other contexts.