We started in the late morning with 24,000 eggs at 25 Archi, we are continuing with another 24,000 at Colli a Volturno and tomorrow at Rocchetta the last 6,000 eggs… Not bad, right? Tomorrow, at the Rocchetta hatchery, the students of the ITS “L. Montini” of Campobasso will be with us, in an event organized…
The Smake mural turns one
Exactly one year has passed since we inaugurated the mural by the artist Davide Smake Nuzzi, at ITS L. Montini in Campobasso. The power of art, which transforms spaces and minds.
Sowing in the Biferno with FIPSAS Campobasso
Yesterday’s intense day ended with the sowing, through the cocooning technique, of Oratino eggs in various parts of the Biferno basin. Mimmo D’Alise and Alberto Di Nonno – FIPSAS Campobasso – were with us and we thank them for their support, together with CIPM Molise.
Morning of dissemination in Oratino
What a beautiful morning of dissemination with the children of the primary classes of “D. Alighieri” by Ripamolisani! With us, at our hatchery in Bivaro, also the mayor of Oratino Loredana Latessa, the president of Legambiente Molise Andrea De Marco and a large representation of Fipsas Campobasso.
“Buongiorno Regione Molise” 14 March 2024
While we are in the hatchery with the children, at the link today’s episode of Buongiorno Regione Molise with the amazing report that Matteo Bosco Bortolaso dedicated to our project.
Preparations together with Rai3 in Oratino
Today in Oratino, while we were preparing the hatchery for tomorrow’s event, the Rai3 Molise crew joined us. Matteo Bosco Bortolaso has created a report on our project which will be broadcast tomorrow morning on Buongiorno Regione Molise: don’t miss it!
Care and custody of our hatcheries
The activation and care of our hatcheries in this after-LIFE phase would not be possible without the truly precious help of people like Arianna Penta and Cristian Caruso. Thank you guys!
Scheduled visit to the Oratino hatchery with the mayor and students
From next week we will start with the first #NatSalMo sowings of this season. We start from the Biferno river basin with the eggs incubated in Bivaro, in the municipality of Oratino. To attend our “cocooning” on Thursday 14 March we will also have with us some pupils from the primary school of the “D.…
WorldWildLife Day
Today, March 3, 2024, #WorldWildLife Day is celebrated, the world day dedicated to wildlife. This year’s theme is the connection between people and the planet through the use of technology and innovation. Among the eight pilot experiences recounted in the report “Wild nature at risk in Italy”, published by Legambiente, there is also the article…