
Natsalmo presented in Unimol at the international conference for doctoral students 10 May

Natsalmo presented in Unimol at the international conference for doctoral students

Prof. Nicolaia Iaffaldano this morning presented our Natsalmo project at the international conference for doctoral students organized by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Food in Unimol.

The International PhD student conference. Research and Innovation in Agricultural, Livestock and Food Sciences represents an opportunity for exchange and comparison between young researchers in the field of agro-food sciences, in reference to one of the relevant emerging problems of our time and concerning the primary production and transformation of products .

To support and encourage a more effective response to these problems, the organizing committee wanted to provide a participatory and overall scientific union, involving some young doctoral students, researchers, even academics and scholars from the national territory and from abroad who participate as chairman of the scientific sessions.

The event, which will go on until May 13, is organized as part of the “EcoSET – Ecology, Science, Education and Technology project. Ways to Internationalize the University of Science and Technology in Areas of Research and Education “which sees as leader the University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz Polonia and other prestigious partners (University of Beira Interior, Portugal; Tarleton State University, USA; Adana Science and Technology University, Turkey; University of Molise, Italy; Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany; Aarhus University, Denmark).

The works and research presented will be published in an Abstract Book.